

Helping Individuals Get UNSTUCK

Helping Teams Get GOING

Helping Organizations Get It RIGHT

how we do it

our approach

Courageous Coaching exists to lead leaders who fearlessly change the culture of every organization and community. We believe that everyone has a voice, but not everyone is heard, and learning to leverage the influence of your voice is what leads to transformation.  We help you at any level, from 1-on-1 coaching to organizational consulting, our team has done it all and is committed to helping you reach your unique objectives.

visual tools

Once you discover GiANT's simple visual tools, you will realize what sets us apart from every other organization. Our goal is to help you learn these tools and incorporate them in a way that is simple, sustainable, and scalable. These tools will change the way you lead yourself and in turn the way you lead others.

digital platform

It's the 21st Century and our unique approach to consulting in the digital world is to utilize GiANT's one-of-a-kind digital platform. As a partner with us, you'll gain full access to this digital platform and have the ability to monitor your progress in real-time. This resource will aid you or your organization's transformation seamlessly.

What we do

1 on 1 coaching

Our 1-on-1 coaching provides tailored guidance for senior leaders navigating complex challenges. With a focus on personal development our expert coaches empower executives to enhance performance, drive organizational alignment, and achieve their leadership potential with confidence.

Team development

Elevate alignment and execution with our team development coaching. Tailored to your needs, our coaching fosters communication, relationships, alignment and execution. Through skill-building we empower teams to navigate challenges, embrace diversity, and achieve collective success in a 21st century business environment.

organizational alignment

Unlock excellence with our organizational alignment coaching. Our coaches partner with catalysts of organizational harmony for a shared vision through enhanced communication and strong relationships, ensuring every facet of your organization speaks the same language from C-suite to front line.